If you’re a business owner or entrepreneur, you’re probably like most business owners I know or talk to. Because you’re probably always on the lookout for how you can build your business faster and better. Right? If that doesn’t sound like you, skip reading the rest of this. It won’t mean much to you. But if it DOES sound like you, you might get a kick out of this.
Yeah, you can build your business faster when you grab your phone.
Well…let me clear one thing up. If you’re still using a flip phone from the nineties, or a “car phone” like the one in a sixties Bond movie, or if you still think a landline is the only way to go, then don’t grab your phone.
This won’t work with those kinds of phones.
But if you’re like most people these days, you’ve got a smartphone. And when it comes to building your business, my RondaReady system puts even more smarts in your smartphone.
Have you seen the explanation for the acronym in the header on RondaReady.com? The acronym is my name: R.O.N.D.A. And it stands for Responsive Organized Nonstop Digital Assistant.
And my system is like getting your very own…well…me. Ronda. Your very own advisor, business assistant, and ever willing worker bee right there in your smartphone. Any time day or night.
365 days a year. 366 days in a leap year.
When you consider how much money your little R.O.N.D.A. could save you, instead of paying for a “real person,” you can’t afford to be without it. And when you consider how much time and work, it can save you, I’m surprised you’re not already looking for a buy button.
But if you’re still not convinced and still not really ready to be the highly organized CEO of your business, book a free 30 minute call with me. And together we’ll see if my system is right for you. Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,