You’ve heard of Apple. Right? The computer and phone company. Not the fruit. Well, anyway, they’re one of the best companies ever when it comes to knowing their people. And they serve up products and content, year after year, with a clear focus to serve those people. And their people are willing to pay more. Because they know Apple delivers the excellence and precision they promise to deliver.
And you need to get you some of that clear focus.
You can see it right there on their website’s home page. Not blatantly obvious, at first glance. But it’s there. And it’s everywhere on their website. It’s in their advertising. And in their stores. Because they already did what you need to do, if you haven’t already.
Well, you do if you’d rather not be left in the dust by your competitors. And don’t be fooled. A lot of marketing people will say not to think of other companies in your business as competitors. But you DO have businesses, like yours, who’d love to have any and all of your customers or clients. If those aren’t competitors, what do you call them?
Regardless of how nice some business owners play in the sandbox, there are plenty who’d just as soon see you go out of business. And it takes clear focus to make sure you don’t.
Just so you know, I practice what I preach. A client of mine said this about me:
“I appreciated your approach being personal to me as your client and not ‘canned’. It never felt ‘one size fit all’. And you were quite credible, likable and focused. Your demeanor is easy and delivery smooth and direct. Plus, you are very attentive as well. I enjoyed our time immensely and looking forward to more. Thanks again!”
And another client said this after he plugged into the RondaReady System:
“By defining and implementing the processes that drive my business, they will allow the focus needed to achieve our goals for growth. And, we will achieve this growth in a manageable and measurable way. Personally, I have gone from near burn out to a renewed enthusiasm in the company. And using your recovery calendar has allowed me to balance my personal and professional self without sacrifices or regrets. My business no longer consumes me. So thank you Ronda for bringing out the best in my business!”
My RondaReady System is VERY comprehensive. There’s a lot to it. But here’s the good news. You’ll probably notice how much better you focus after just a few hours in the System.
But you don’t need to commit to it right away. After all, it’s not a tiny investment. And it’s not a simple 5 page pdf you can just download and forget about. There’s so much more to it. Book a call with me. And I’ll show you what it’s all about and how it can help. Your link to do that is below.
Stay Ready,