No two ways about it. College is expensive. So, if you’ve got a young adult in your house (or you ARE one) who’s about to go enter the world of higher learning, you need a college budget. And when you start to set it up, don’t forget to allow for plenty of binge drinking.
Yeah, that’s gonna be a significant expense in your college budget.
Because college binge drinking is a “normal” thing for many college-bound young adults.
And for may of them it’s not just about having a few beers with their peeps. No, they gotta drink and drink until they can’t drink another drink. The call it “blackout.” And, at many of the college parties, if you don’t drink till you blackout, you just ain’t got no street cred.
Binge drinking till you blackout means, the next morning, you probably won’t even remember what happened last night. Oh sure, when you blackout, it’s dangerous. And it can do some serious long-term damage to your health. But who cares? Just the price you gotta pay, when you’re young and wild, to be cool. Or is it “sick?”
And it’s just part of life for a lot of college students.
So be sure to allow for it in your college budget.
Let’s not even talk about how all this binge drinking is a public health issue. And let’s not talk about all the free alcohol given away at college parties.
Who wants to be that kind of buzzkill anyway?
All I’m sayin’ is be sure you add the cost of alcohol (and it’s a lot) when you plan your college budget. I know you don’t want that to sneak up on you.
Of course, I’m using absurdity to illustrate absurdity. Because I think it’s important to know some of the risks of spending money on a college education. Especially since you have alternatives these days.
And I believe the best tradition college alternative is RondaReady YOUniversity. Sure, it’s obvious why I’d say that. But I’m not the only one. And I’d love to share some more about that. So, book a free call with me. And let’s talk about how, for a tiny fraction of your college budget, you could give a young person (maybe YOU) a massive head start in life.
Use the handy dandy calendar, below, and book that call at your earliest convenience.
Stay Ready,