I hope December will finish out your year in a big, successful way. I know everything’s real hustle-bustle at this time of year. And I know it be tough to do all you gotta do and focus on priorities. Believe me I get it. But it’s crucial to make time to stop and take a breath. And stay focused on what’s important to you. Because it’ll help you jump into next year Ready with your eyes on the prize.
RondaReady YOUniversity can help you focus on priorities.
You’re familiar with BSO syndrome. Right? Bright Shiny Objects. I remember how a one-on-one client told me about her problem with it. In other words, she had a hard time staying focused on one thing at a time in her business. Because new marketing methods popped up all the time. So did business gurus. And cool techy tools. Should she invest in this app? Or that program? Does this guy know how to take me to the next level? Or can this woman help me build a huge list.
And literally every day was a focus challenge for my client. She wanted AND needed help. Immediately, if not sooner.
The best time to avoid those tough times is when you first start out in life. Because this world has lots of obstacles to take the wind out your sails. Especially if you don’t have your priorities straight and your sails Ready.
That’s why I have a short section in RondaReady YOUniversity to help you prioritize.
You’ve got to control what’s important. Because, if you don’t, it’s for sure somebody or something else will.
And that’s why, in RondaReady YOUniversity, I include a simple mental exercise ti help you with it. I believe you’ll definitely get your groove back. Because I’ve seen lots of others get theirs.
And they enjoy the massive benefits of living life on their own terms.
Get a Christmas present that can start paying for itself, over and over in the coming year.
Book a free call with me. And let’s talk about. Finish 2022 strong so you can start 2023 strong.
Stay Ready,