Yeah, free is not free. For example, have you ever answered a lot of questions, for a potential client only to have them go somewhere else? If so, you played the free advice game. And that costs way too much. And you’re the one who pays.
But I have a couple of pointers to help you avoid this situation.
A client of mine of mine found out, the hard way, how free is not free.
As he and I have worked together, I’ve helped him build his System to avoid this situation. But as we all tend to do, he fell back into an old habit.
He’s a nice guy. So, he always wants to help. And that got him caught in the question and answer whirlpool with some potential clients. A couple of questions turned into a few more. And before he knew it, his whole consultation calls turned into QandA sessions.
And those went on way WAY longer than he ever dreamed (uh, nightmare) they would.
Tons of valuable time gone. For good. And he knew he could never get it back. Because that’s how time is. It goes. And you never get it back.
And that’s why this is so important to you and for you.
Because it can cost you too much of your extremely limited time.
Sure, you gotta build relationships before you give out much of your knowledge. Yes, you need to show your potential client or customer you care. But you can do that much more effectively by asking questions instead of answering them.
When you’re the one asking the questions, it does two things right away. It shows the other person you’re truly interested in learning more about their business, their needs, their life. And you get better prepared to help.
Another even more important than that?
You can stay in control of your precious time.
Like I’ve said before (and you’ve probably heard before) it’s like giving away all the milk before they’ve invested in your cow.
And if you’d like to set things up to avoid be the “answerer”, my RondaReady System can help. And it won’t cost you anything but your time to find out. Click or tap the button, below, and let’s invest some of our limited time to talk about your business ideas and plans. Free is not free. But you don’t need money to schedule a call and…
Stay Ready,