Ok, I admit it. I’ve had Friday on my mind this whole week. And it’s finally here. Yay! Who’s with me? Well, The Easybeats are.
What’s that? You’ve never heard of The Easybeats? Oh no, say it isn’t so. Just kidding. I didn’t know who they were either until the popped across my computer screen yesterday.
They had a hit song, back in 1966-67 called “Friday On My Mind.”
Check out this first verse and see if you can relate…
Monday morning feels so bad.
Everybody seems to nag me.
Coming Tuesday I feel better.
Even my old man looks good.
Wednesday just don’t go.
Thursday goes too slow.
I’ve got Friday on my mind
Yeah, that was the general feel, for me, this week. Nothing bad happened. But there were lots of extra details to attend to. And they felt like distractions even though they had to be done. So, it was just a little more challenging to stay motivated.
Thankfully I’ll be taking a “road trip,” soon, and that always lifts my spirits.
But back to the reason I shared this Friday thing with you.
Because, if you tend to go through your weeks with Friday on your mind, then today is the perfect day to help you turn that around and make it work for you. And right now…
Friday means time is running out for my phenomenal RondaReady YOUniversity offer.
Between now and this Sunday (1/22/23) you can enroll in YOUniversity for 70% off the regular price. Yes, 70% off. Not 15%, not 25%, and not even 50%.
So, for less than one-third the regular price, you can enroll and get full access to everything I offer in RondaReady YOUniversity. And you can get the real skills you need to take on real life with confidence and a clear vision of who YOU are and where you wanna go.
The regular price is $2000. But this first link is where you can jump in for $600. And the second link is where you can even split that into two payments of $300. But this offer WILL go away after Sunday night. So, don’t miss out. And embrace the daily grind.
If you’re still undecided, and you’re not worried about missing out on this offer, you can still book a free call with me in the calendar below.
Stay Ready,