I read an article that asked the question, “What do you think your future self would say to you?” And I enjoyed a few of the wide variety of answers. But one of them made me stop and read it again. Because it wasn’t funny. And it wasn’t optimistic.
Here’s what the young woman, who wrote it, said…
“Hey. I need to hear from you. And I mean, like as soon as possible. Because I’m sick and tired of where we ended up. And I sure don’t like having to use all this information you put in my head to just figure out how I’m gonna pay the rent.
Why aren’t you making a bunch more effort to push toward your dreams? And why in the world are you still in that miserable job you hate? Sure, it’s easy to stick with what you know. And sure, maybe it’s the socially acceptable thing to do. But the safe way didn’t end well for us.
You gotta get your designer career moving. And, trust me, without some sort of system, you’re gonna keep me here in this dump. Your kids are grown now. And they never come to visit. They’re ‘too busy.’ Just like you are now at that wonderful job. You’re gonna miss all their activities. And your lack of quality time with your Husband? Well, let’s just say, this TV dinner for one is not my idea of gourmet.
I know you feel like giving up. All the negative responses can make you feel like that. But keep going. YOU CAN DO IT. And I really, really, really need you to get me out of here.
Your future self.
PS. I promise. You won’t like this neighborhood.”
Wow. That sounded pretty bleak. Right?
If you want your future self to be in a better place, and better off in general, it’s a good idea to set up things, better, now. Because right now is the only time you can do it, if you haven’t already. And statistics say the vast majority of newbies don’t set things up the right way when they first start out.
And that’s why I developed and launched RondaReady YOUniversity. Because I want you AND your future self to enjoy a fulfilling, happier life. A life based on your vision for YOU.
I’d love to talk to you about it. Book a free call with me, in the calendar below, and let’s see if YOUniversity could be the alternative you’ve been looking for.
Stay Ready,