Skimming through some YouTube videos I saw a clip of an old black and white movie from the silver screen days. The title said something like “freeloader brother-in-law’s excuses.” And my curiosity got the best of me, so I clicked it. There’s a part where the “man of the house” asks his brother-in-law, “Are you getting closer to finding a job?”
Of course, the “freeloader brother-in-law” had plenty of excuses. But no job.
And I smiled as I watched the clip.
Because it made me think of getting closer to getting ready.
And I’m talkin’ about how a lot of business owners get so bogged down in busyness. They spend so much time “getting ready” that they never seem to actually get ready. And here’s the thing.
GETTING ready shouldn’t keep you from BEING ready.
When I coach my clients one-on-one, it takes about a year to complete. That’s based on putting in an average of 1-3 hours of work each week. There are ways you can reduce the time. But, on average, it’s a time investment of about a year.
I only bring it up because I like to help my clients and customers save as much time and energy as possible. And I always ask them, “Why reinvent the wheel, when you don’t have to?” Plus, why not keep things as simple as possible?
In my RondaReady business system I recommend a simple list of tools:
- It’s a great idea to have (or get) a cloud storage account. You’ll need a secure place to save all your work. Cloud storage is great so you can access on any of your devices and easily share with others on your team.
- Reliable computer/tablet and printer
- PDF reader software
- Paper for printing out worksheets and examples
- Pens/pencils for regular writing
- One large piece of paper or poster board at least 2’x2′
- A physical folder for your handwritten notes and printed resources. (If you prefer digital files, be sure to save all your downloads to your cloud folder.)
- Scotch tape and post-it notes.
And start with your own website so you can focus your marketing efforts toward getting people to come to you. And make it a super simple site to navigate. Easy to understand. And simple to buy your goods and services.
And don’t worry about getting the coolest, latest super-duper calendar with lots of bells and whistles. Just start with the one you probably already have on your phone. And be persistent with it. Set your reminders. And your alerts.
Maybe you already know this, but a lot of phones, like my iPhone, even help you set things up with your voice. Easy peasy.
So, here’s the point.
Don’t spend even one more day getting closer to getting ready. That’s a recipe for frustration. Instead, I recommend you write down your ultimate goal, map out the way to get there, and then take the first step. And follow that up with the next step. Et cetera, et cetera.
And here’s something else I recommend. Give yourself the benefit of my years of experience. Invest in your very own RondaReady business hub. I’ve already done tons of the hard work. And I’ve set up a system you can plug your business into with confidence. As you’ve read this, you’ve been getting closer and closer to the link where you find out if it’s right for you.
Serious business owners buy this kind of system, but they don’t pay for it.
Contact me if you’d like to talk about how a business hub could work for YOU. Here’s your link:
Stay Ready,
Responsive Organized Nonstop Digital Action