Are you getting ready for success?
“Before everything else, getting ready is the secret to success.” That’s a quote from Henry Ford. He was the founder of the Ford Motor Company. And most people give him credit for the assembly line technique of mass production. So, he knew a thing or two about getting ready…and more importantly…getting ready for success.
Getting ready for success from the start
Ronda Ready isn’t just a catchy name I came up with. I use the word “ready” on purpose. You gotta be ready for success. Or it might zoom past you.
Think about how much time the most successful businesses spend getting ready. Whether you’re an Apple fan or not, you might have seen how long they spent building their giant circular headquarters. Or have you been reading about how long it’s taking Elon Musk to develop a self-driving car? Whew! Talk about getting ready.
Well, guess what? Those companies might be a lot bigger than you are…or ever want to be. But they’re not more important. In fact, your business is way more important to you than theirs is. So, you need to get ready.
That’s why I spent so much time putting together the RondaReady online business coach CRM system. To help you be as ready and organized as possible.
Systems can help you work ON your business instead of getting bogged down IN it.
Systems help you automate a lot of the “boring” things you have to do over and over. And systems help you build relationships faster and better.
So, even though you’ll have to spend some time getting ready, there’s no good reason to do it all by yourself. I’d love to help. And I’m as close as a click or tap away. Entrepreneurs (that’s you) are my favorite people because they take the risks and build things average people don’t. And the best ones are the best because they…
Stay Ready,
When you’re really, really ready to get ready, get RondaReady