Early this morning, I thought about this quote, from a friend of mine. “If you’re truly an optimist, and you see a glass with water at the halfway mark, your first thought is to be grateful to have the water. You won’t care whether the glass half empty or half full argument.”
What about you? Do you care whether it’s a glass half full or empty?
Yeah. I didn’t think so. Because my guess is you’ve been “at this” long enough to know how optimism AND pessimism can both work for you. It’s true. Right? And well-known companies use both all the time. For example, how many times have you heard commercials saying things like this?
“In economic hard times like these, when every penny counts, (fill in the blank) can save you time AND money.”
They point out the pessimistic reality. But they offer up a solution. Which is them of course. Here’s another example.
You read the latest news and see how crime is up. And it’s even in suburbs or so-called “safe neighborhoods” like yours. Because it’s everywhere. So, “suddenly” you see more ads and commercials that point out those stats. And then they share their latest advances in home security. Cybersecurity too.
Those companies know it pays to play to the pessimism and fears of the buying public. That might sound harsh, but it sure works.
And it’s not all bad news out there.
Some of the little, unknown businesses, like Apple and Amazon use optimism as a powerful advertising tool. You’ll see lots of bright colors and light and happy people in Apple’s ads. And Amazon even has a smile in their logo. They both even use light-hearted, ear-pleasing background music most of the time.
Optimism sells, too. Maybe you’ve used both strategies in your advertising and marketing.
But here’s something those companies do that you might not do. When they test their ads and commercials, they keep track. And I guarantee they use a system to keep track.
Yep, Apple and Amazon have millions and billions to spend on advertising and marketing. But they still use something similar to what you can get from me.
The RondaReady System
It’s a proven system, with a very long success track, that can help you build and run your business.
And, as I’ve been saying for a week, my RondaReady System book is still at the Cyber Monday half-price cost. But that ends midnight (or sometime around then) tonight, Monday December 4th. Then it goes back to full price.
So, get the book while it’s as inexpensive as it’s gonna get. And get all the information I’ve shared with my clients, for the past 20 years. Information and instructions to help you every step of the way. Invest $50 or $60 in yourself today. And use your investment to help you ramp up to 6 and 7 figures. Start right now, and…
Stay Ready,
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