Fixed Area Repeatable Marketing. Sounds like fun. Right? Yeah, no. That’s a very common term in the real estate industry. And “players” in that industry like to emphasize the acronym FARM. There’s no tractors involved. But they still have to know which seeds to plant.
Because every business has seeds to plant.
Sure, your seeds to plant might actually be plant seeds. Or they might be metaphorical seeds. But, regardless, you gotta get ’em in the ground, if you wanna grow what you wanna grow.
Maybe you’ve heard of target marketing or niche marketing. Those are just ways to say the more you know your market, the better you can talk to them. Not just in person but also in your advertising and marketing.
If you can’t understand your markets needs, wants, desires, and even their beliefs, you can’t help them. And you certainly can’t sell them anything. You’ll find this in just about every marketing circle, but only because it’s true. People do business with people they know, like, and trust. It doesn’t have to be all three at the same time. But it DOES have to start with at least one of those. And they’ll get to know, like, and trust you faster when they see you’ve spent time getting to know them and their problems.
One of the best business motivational lines out there goes something like this: The best way to solve most of your problems is to help others solve theirs. There’s an incredible amount of power in being that kind of person.
So who are you planting seeds for?
Do you have a clear picture in your mind of who your ideal customer or client is? If not, ask yourself these questions.
- What level of education do they have:
- How old are they?
- Are they in a relationship or not?
- What fears are holding them back from your product or service?
- What preconceived notions might they have about you and what you have to offer?
Get to know your audience before you talk to them. And don’t be surprised when you get much better results.
And by the way…
The RondaReady System book can help you plant seeds better and faster.
It’s a proven system, with a very long success track, that can help you build and run your business.
Hopefully you got your copy of the book while it was half-price for the past week. That offer passed as of midnight last night. I changed the price back to the still very inexpensive full price. You should go check to see if there’s a chance the half-price still shows. If so, you lucked out. And I’d recommend you get it before the price switches back.
Either way, get all the information I’ve shared with my clients, for the past 20 years. Information and instructions to help you every step of the way. Invest in yourself today. And use your investment to help you ramp up to 6 and 7 figures. Get your System Book right now, and…
Stay Ready,
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