I’m sure you’ve seen it. If not, you soon will. And I’m talkin’ about the hustle bustle ramping up for Halloween. Decorations are in all the stores. And I’ve seen lots of fright night creatures in front lawns all around my home town. So, obviously, the so-called “holiday season” has already started.
Wow, it seems like the last holiday season just ended.
But that’s time for you. It keeps on passing. And you can’t slow it down, no matter how long you stay in bed, in your favorite jammies.
So, you move forward. Sometimes you move reluctantly. Sometimes you rock-n-roll.
But, that’s the key. Move forward. And when you think about it, that’s the only way you can go. Right? I know I’ve never found a time machine to take me back. But, personally, I wouldn’t wanna have to go back and go through time AGAIN. Sounds like no fun.
Nope. Move forward. And be as Ready for what comes as you can possibly be. Take time to stop and enjoy the holiday season. Don’t try to just get through it. Sure, maybe it lasts a whole “fourth quarter” of the year. But, then again, it’s the time of the year when many business owners do the most business. So, that’s a great reason to love the season.
And when it’s over, maybe you’ve made enough moolah to enjoy some recovery time. I hope so. Because that’s one of the best reasons to build a successful business. To claim your own time to do what YOU love.
And I recommend you keep a recovery calendar so you can be Ready for all that, on purpose. It can help you schedule your time off. Plus, you’ll know how long it’ll be. Then, you can know, ahead of time, when you (and your family?) get to relax.
Life has tons of distractions. Forks in the roads. And choices.
When you live long enough, you discover unexpected roles you didn’t even imagine before. And most entrepreneurs and business owners have that kind of story. But successful entrepreneurs and business owners look through rose-colored glasses with reality eyes.
Your business can sustain you (and your family). But it requires more. Sometimes a lot more. And that’s why it’s so important to schedule your recovery time.
Now, I could go on and on about how my System has helped lots and lots of other business owners set up and work a recovery calendar.
But none of them are YOU.
Your business and circumstances might not be like any of theirs. So, only YOU know if you could use some help to build your dream better and faster. If your business (or dream) is all you’d hoped for, then congratulations. You certainly don’t need my help. But, in case that’s not the case, I have monthly how-to lessons that come to about fifty cents a day.
I call it because it’s pretty much the opposite of regular institutions of higher learning. My System is designed to help you actually RUN a business. Not just find one, or market one, or own one.
And every RondaReady lesson is the first Thursday of each month. Enroll before midnight, on the last night of the preceding month, to be in time for each month’s lesson. For example, this month’s lesson is just a couple of days away as I write this. And you’re too late to enroll for it. But you can still enroll and be in time for the next class in November.
Click or tap the link below, and let’s get into the holiday season.
Stay Ready,