I know your Type A personality has you all fired up for this first Monday of October. Right? And you’re focused on how much work you’re gonna get done this week. To-do lists all filled in. Computer plugged in and online. Phone is synced up to the computer. WiFi is HiFi and rockin’. Let’s do this!
Hold on! Simmer that Type A personality down a second or two.
Not that there’ anything particularly wrong with being all fired up. In fact, if you’ve got some momentum and things are going well, and you just plain love the work, go for it. But I like to encourage business owners and entrepreneurs, like you, to be sure you still see a clear picture of where you wanna go.
Yeah, I understand what it’s like to get in the groove and not want to stop. Especially when you’re trying to build your business. And when you work to get more out of life. But I still encourage you to check in with your main goal this week. Because if you DO need to change who you talk to and connect with, you’ll also need to be sure you can create good leads and convert them into prospects.
October’s UNversity how-to lesson is about some things you can do to convert leads into prospects.
Lots of my clients have discovered how much better business life could be. Because they learned to RUN a business with The RondaReady . That’s why I developed the version of my system. To provide a very affordable option for business owners and entrepreneurs who could use some help to get things going better and faster.
But here’s something your Type A personality won’t like.
It’s too late to enroll in UNversity and be in time for this month’s class. Uh-oh. Can you say “Shocktober!”
Yeah, I have a deadline (which is something every business owner needs). And that deadline (midnight of the prior month) has passed. So
If you didn’t enroll in time to be in tomorrow’s UNversity class, you can still enroll. And you’ll be RondaReady to roll when next month’s lesson blasts through the air. Your link is waiting below.
Stay Ready,