If you wanna be a business owner, you gotta have a how to build business plan. But guess what? You don’t have to spend any money on it. And you don’t have to spend years, months, weeks, or even days on it. Because it’s already in your head. At least if you’ve worked on it long enough to know what you’re doing.
So, are you Ready to set up your How to Build Business plan?
Yes? Great. Alright, let’s gather up all the tools you’ll need to get started. Let’s see…uh…do you have a computer? Or smartphone? Or…you know what…how about a pencil and paper? Whatever you choose to use, get ’em Ready so you can write down all these notes.
Now, enough of the big build up. Let’s get this business plan party started.
First…think of the market or audience you’re gonna help with your business products and services.
Next…be sure you know what your products and services are.
And next…figure out what you can sell to your market or audience.
And finally…figure out how you’re gonna get the message out to your market or audience.
Ok, that’s it. Get busy. See you next time.
Oh wait, there IS one more thing. Figure out those 4 steps. And then, write it all down in one sentence. Yes, one sentence. When you can write your entire business plan down in one sentence, why would you spend time and money on some lavish, over-bloated, book? And who’s gonna read it anyway? Right?
Tell you what I’ll do.
I’ll give you some examples of a how to build business plan in one sentence. Then, you can get yours going and get moving right away. And you WILL. Right? Good.
And if you know your stuff, this should take you less than an hour. So, don’t put it off even one more minute. Just join my email list, ask me for the business plan examples, and I’ll send ’em right away.
And you can get plenty more tips when you open my free daily emails. Take advantage of what I share so you can…
Stay Ready,