OK, you probably know by now that I share lots of tips and strategies here on the website and in my daily emails. But today I’m gonna recommend that you ignore advice.
More specifically I want you to ignore advice that says YOU can’t.
Entrepreneurs are often advised not to go into business with their spouses or friends. But Nellie Akalp, who’s a mother of four, an author, and now a speaker, decided (with her husband) to ignore advice like that. And I read in her bio that they “started MyCorporation.com in their living room, which they then sold to Intuit in 2008.” You’ve heard of that little company, Intuit, right?
But the Akalps didn’t retire and “rest on their laurels” as the saying goes. Nope. They launched CorpNet. And that’s a company that helps “potential small business owners by preparing and filing the documents necessary to start a business in any state.” I’d say there’s a big need for that. Especially with remote business being such a big thing now.
And the Akalps made sure CorpNet can help established businesses, too. With services like “ongoing paperwork for filing annual reports, changing a company name, and more.”
Since they decided to ignore advice from whatever knuckleheads thought that advice would be a good idea, the Akalps created a multimillion dollar company. I personally believe it’s an awesome idea to have someone in your life boat with you.
For so many reasons.
Not the least of which is to help you stay focused.
And I created RondaReady YOUniversity to help you discover your Vision. And to help you focus your energy so you can do what couldn’t be done. With strategies to help you know how to get there.
How about we talk about it some more? Book a free call with me, with that handy calendar below. And give me a chance to see where you wanna go in life. I’d love to help YOU if I can.
Here’s a verse, from “It Couldn’t Be Done, by Edgar Albert Guest. Hope it motivates YOU.
Somebody said that it couldn’t be done
But he with a chuckle replied
That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one
Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried.
Stay Ready,
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