Shop. See friends and family. Save money. Why choose one when you can have them all? Right? I mean, what red-blooded American doesn’t like to go shopping or visit friends AND spend less to do it all.
Turns out you CAN save money AND still enjoy life.
Wow, what a concept! And actually it’s not a new one. A company you’ve probably heard of has been in the business of helping you save money for about 100 years. AAA. And I’m not an affiliate for Triple A, so this isn’t about me making a little moolah while I rave on about them.
But I DO think it’s always a great idea to save money on stuff and things you were gonna do anyway.
For example, we’re getting into the time of year, here in America, when road trips are gonna pick up again. Like when you go over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house for Thanksgiving (people still do that, right?). Or when you start making more trips to shop for Christmas gifts. Point is, as long as you’re gonna do that stuff anyway, why not make sure your car is road ready AND save 10 percent on labor. That’s what AAA does.
Or if you prefer to work on your car yourself, they can help you save 10 percent on parts and accessories at your local NAPA store. (side note: you can also save 5 cents a gallon, at Shell stations, in their rewards program)
How about when you go to restaurants? And don’t tell me you just don’t do that. Because I’ve seen how many new restaurants are popping up all the time. So, obviously tons of people go out to eat.
And since you’re gonna do that anyway, why not get something like the AAA membership 10 per cent savings. By the way, you can get that savings at “Hard Rock Cafe, Simms Steak House, Saltgrass Steak House, Bubba Gump Shrimp Co., Aquarium Restaurants, and many more.” So, this isn’t just fast food we’re talkin’ about.
But what if you don’t stay with friends and family when you visit?
I know lots of people (maybe you) prefer the independence of staying in hotels instead of at someone’s house. Apparently AAA membership offers a 5 percent or more discount at some pretty nice places. They list “Best Western Hotels, Hilton Hotels, Marriott Hotels, and many more.”
They even offer travel agents to help you set up your trip.
But what if you’re not even going to Grandma’s house? Or Uncle Bob and Aunt Lisa’s? Yeah, what if you just wanna go to Disneyland? Or Dollywood? Or even Legoland? There are membership discounts for them.
And even if you’re gonna stay home. You can still save money on things like livestream concerts and sporting events. Who knew? Did you? I didn’t.
Speaking of staying home and saving on stuff you were gonna do anyway, have you checked out the book version of my RondaReady System? Talk about saving money?! It’s a fraction of what my one-on-one clients have paid me, over the years, to teach them how to build and run a better business.
And you don’t even have to pay a monthly membership to get the book.
Anyway, I know you’re always looking for ways to improve your chances for success. And since you’re doing that anyway, go get the RondaReady System book, today! And maybe I’ll see you at Grandma’s house.
Stay Ready,
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