Hey, I’ve got a spiffy idea. Let’s talk about Fick’s first law of diffusion today. Sound like fun? Great. Let’s dive in.
I’m sure I don’t have to tell YOU that Fick’s first law relates the diffusive flux to the gradient of the concentration. Right?
And I’m sure this next part of the description will be a walk down memory lane for you:
”It postulates that the flux goes from regions of high concentration to regions of low concentration, with a magnitude that is proportional to the concentration gradient (spatial derivative). Or in simplistic terms the concept that a solute will move from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration across a concentration gradient.”
Wow, that’s a lot of concentration. Kinda difficult to know which part to concentrate on.
But that’s the boring first law of diffusion.
I’d rather talk more about Fick’s second law of diffusion. You remember. The one that “predicts how diffusion causes the concentration to change with respect to time.” Yeah, that’s the one I like. Because it fits my business. And yours.
Let’s say, for example, that your peeps are the concentration you wanna change “with respect to time.” Because, as you well know, time is your most valuable commodity. And your relationship with your peeps (aka: customers, clients, patients, etc.) is your second most valuable.
Now, take a look at these stats for a second. Two percent of sales are made on the first contact. And eighty percent of sales are made after five to twelve points of contact. But typically, only ten percent of sales people make more than three contacts. And yet, statistically, ninety percent of sales are made on the fourth contact or after.
So, most of the concentration (in this case, potential sales) is missed when you forget to apply the business law of diffusion. And you apply that diffusion by setting up a consistent system to follow up with people.
It’s more than a numbers game.
It’s a relationship-building strategy most business owners and wannabes skip. But it sounds like a lot of work. Right? Well, it is. But you know what’s even more work? Not having a system.
Because there’s no way you’ll be able to keep all those contacts in your head. Let alone making at least five points of contact with each one. And remember, most sales people stop after one or two points of contact. So, your competition is practically giving you a bunch of leads and prospects.
I dive into all this (without the scientific talk) a lot more in my RondaReady system book. When you get your own copy of it, you’ll see how to set up your own system to build those relationships and win more referrals. Plus, you might be surprised (and you’ll certainly enjoy) how it can help increase your sphere of influence.
By the way, you can set up your own system for a whole lot less than you might think. But tomorrow is not the time to start. A long time ago would be ideal. But today is the next best time. And the best link to get going is below.
Stay Ready,
Your Responsive Organized Nonstop Development Authority