OK, that subject line, a thinly-veiled reference to an old song by The Carpenters, should be a hint. This email is gonna get mushy. So, if that makes you uncomfortable, you should probably skip it. And it’s mushy because I’m sharing some other reasons for how the love month got its unchallenged title.
Yep, February is the love month, hands down. No doubt about it.
And I found out some info about the love month I hadn’t heard before. In fact, I’m gonna share the exact information I saw so you can see it for yourself. There are at least six other “love days” besides Valentine’s this month. And each one of them sound and look like they lead right up to that holiday that gets you sick on chocolate.
Check out these special days:
Propose day: Feb 8
February 8 is Propose Day, people usually propose to their loved ones to be in a long-term relationship. Marriage proposals are sometimes made on this day as well. The second day of Valentine’s Week has arrived.
Chocolate Day: Feb 09
Everyone enjoys it, the recipes are endless, and February 9th is designated as Chocolate Day for chocolate lovers. Chocolate is one of the world’s most popular flavours, if not the most popular flavour on the planet.
Teddy day: Feb 10
Teddy bears are popular among girls. The boys make it a point to give their girls a cute, fluffy teddy bear. This gift will make your partner laugh like a child.
Promise Day: Feb 11
The day you make meaningful promises to those you care about. Here are some promises you can make in order to build a long-lasting relationship.
Hug Day: Feb 12
The day honors a very beautiful expression of love – a warm, comfortable hug from a loved one that will make you forget about all your problems. Give your loved one a tight, bone-crushing hug to show them how much you care.
Kiss Day: Feb 13
The sixth day of Valentine’s Week is Kiss Day. For many couples, the day of kissing is the most important. The couple kisses each other on this day.
Finally, Valentine’s Day: Feb 14
Wow, that’s a lotta mushy stuff. Right?!
You’re never gonna remember those dates. But why should you? Well, even if you don’t have somebody to share any of it with, those are all potential points of contact with your customers or clients who DO.
And wouldn’t it be nice to set up a System to help you remember when to send out some emails or texts to make those points of contact count? Of course, it would. And that’s just one example of why I built that sort of thing into my RondaReady System.
That’s the relatively low-cost self-paced learning tool I put in a book. But not a regular book you read and stuff into your bookcase. This book can pay for itself over and over (costing you nothing) when you implement, automate, delegate, and RUN your business with it.
The book is still at a great price of 40% off its normal price on Amazon. And you can get your copy of it, 24 hours a day, on Amazon. Your link is below. Get your copy. Start right now on this first day of the love month, and…
Stay Ready,
Responsive Organized Nonstop Development Authority