Whether you like her or not, you gotta hand it to Taylor Swift. With her talent for writing songs people wanna hear, and her mass marketing team, she’s sold a bunch of records. According to some stats I’ve seen, she’s sold over 200 million. But here’s a stat you won’t see.
Even with mass marketing, most of the world doesn’t buy her records.
In fact, even if you add up all her sales, over 97% of the world’s population are still Taylorless.
So, what does that tell you? Should Ms Swift ramp up her efforts and put out even more mass marketing? After all, that 97% is a mighty big number to just ignore. So, should she try to reach ’em all?
Your answer should be, “No.”
Because you can’t (and shouldn’t) market to everyone. That’s like marketing to no one. Why? Because no matter how awesome you are, your market isn’t everyone. And there are too many kinds of people out there. And apparently not even Taylor Swift can appeal to everyone. Impossible as that might sound to you.
So, what Taylor did to achieve massive appeal (and yes 1 million is a massive appeal even though it’s a tiny fraction of Earth’s population) was simple. She created her product, music. And she found her market. And then she set up her production and publicity system to serve that market well.
Now she’s got a team. And she’s done an impressive job of branding. You can see, from the songs she sings to the colors she chooses, who her market is. And she has processes and procedures in place to keep it all ticking along like a fine, Swift…uh, Swiss watch.
And that’s how you serve a targeted market well.
But you DO have to be organized. Because you wanna track results. You wanna know your numbers. Know what’s working. And what isn’t.
When you get a handle on your numbers, you can target new leads so much better. And do a better job for your current customers and clients. Don’t ever forget them. Because they can be the best source for repeat and referral business. And certainly the most cost effective kind.
OK, I know it can seem very complicated and involved to get those kinds of processes and procedures in place. And that’s because it is. To begin with.
You do have to invest some time (or hire someone and use their time) to set up that kind of system. But what’s so cool is that after you set it up, it can deliver awesome results like clockwork.
For as long as you own your business.
And that’s why I’ll be talking about the whole processes and procedures part of it in next month’s UNversity class. It’s coming next week, on the first Thursday of the month, which is February 3rd. And it’s a how-to class to help you set things up for your business.
I don’t promise Taylor Swift results or numbers. In fact, your results will depend on how well you implement. Remember, you don’t need mass marketing. Just your own targeted market. This class is taylor-made (oops, I mean tailor-made) to help you get going. The link to the $15 monthly classes is below.
Stay Ready,