I’m putting this out there just in case you’re not the organized business owner you’d like to be. I’d like to share a short story I’ve shared before. It’s about a time I was going … Read the rest…
Tag Archives: marketing tips
Legends, movies, and books tell the tales. And they’re larger than life. So, the stories make you swoon. And dream. And imagine yourself in their shoes. Whose shoes? Those larger than life characters who started … Read the rest…
Whether you like her or not, you gotta hand it to Taylor Swift. With her talent for writing songs people wanna hear, and her mass marketing team, she’s sold a bunch of records. According to … Read the rest…
Are you marketing to everyone yet? Please tell me your answer is, “No.” Because marketing to everyone is basically like marketing to no one. Why? Because no matter what your business is, your market isn’t … Read the rest…