I hope December is going gangbusters for you. It’s definitely a hustle-bustle time of year. And I know it can get tricky to balance all the extra activities as you run your business. Believe me I get it. But as the end of the year approaches, be sure to catch your breath. And remember what’s important to you. It’s a mental exercise that’ll help you leap into next year with anticipation and optimism.
Maybe I can help you with your mental exercise.
Because I remember how a one-on-one client told me about her problem with BSO syndrome. You know, Bright Shiny Objects. Yeah, she had a hard time staying focused on one thing at a time in her business. And new methods for marketing popped up all the time. So did business gurus. And cool techy tools. The BSO Syndrome would kick in, and she heard the questions in her head…
Should she invest in this app? Or that one? Does this guy know how to take me to the next level? Or does this nice lady with the huge list of followers.
And literally every day was a focus challenge for her. She wanted AND needed help…fast.
If you’re like her, you want those tough times to pass as quickly as possible, right? Life is hard enough. And building a great business can make it even harder. So, how did I help her. And how can I help you?
Well, I have a short section in the RondaReady System to help you get back in control.
Because you’ve gotta be in control of what’s important. If you’re not, somebody OR something else will be. But, good news is, when you do the simple mental exercise I help you with, you’ll definitely get your groove back.
And you’ll enjoy the massive benefits of living life on your own terms.
This year, for Christmas, give your business a present that’ll pay for itself over and over. Not just this year, but every year. Sure, it’s not cheap. But aren’t you and your business worth it? Click or tap that link below.
Stay Ready,