It’s all in how you say it. Well, maybe not ALL. But a lot is in how you say it. Do you get up on the first day of the work week and, with your gloomiest voice possible, say, “Monday again?” Or are you excited to see another fresh new week coming your way?
Yeah, some people actually choose to say, “Yay! It’s Monday again!”
They’re the crazy ones, though. Right? I mean, let’s get real. After a relaxing weekend, who in their right mind would look forward to a Monday? Much less jump for joy when it gets here.
Well, I’m not gonna tell you to jump for joy. And I’m not gonna get on your case if you’re more of the gloomy type right now. But mull over these quotes and see what you think…
“The sun himself is weak when he first rises; and gathers strength and courage as the day goes on.” – Charles Dickens
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar
“There are many opportunities in every single day, and Monday is the perfect day to seize them all.” – Isabella Koldras
“Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” – Jim Rohn
As a business System specialist, I especially like that last one. And I talk about the importance of schedule control all the time. Because if you don’t control your schedule, it’ll control you.
And Monday is the best day of the work week to take control.
Grab hold and don’t let go. And, as the saying goes, plan your work and work your plan. That’s such a great perspective on business. And it’s part of why I give a RondaReady Journal to every new client. Because I want them to write down what they do each day. And keep track.
That’s one of the best ways you can know how you need or want your day to go. Then, you can start to lay out your plan. And that’s how you “start to be great,” as Zig Ziglar said.
The RondaReady Journal is just skimming the surface of what I provide in the RondaReady System. It’s a comprehensive, video-filled set of business-building lessons. And it’s also your connection to your own R.O.N.D.A. That’s your Responsive, Organized, Nonstop, Digital Assistant and customer relationship management tool.
I’d love to tell you more about it. So, if you’re a business owner (or you know one) who wants to take things to the next level, book a free call with me. My handy dandy calendar is below.
Let’s talk soon. Like, before it’s Monday again. 😉
Stay Ready,