Over the weekend I read a fairly old business article. And I say fairly old because it was an online article from May of 2013. And seven years online is pretty old. But I really enjoyed what it said about the power of three. The writer said there are universal truths when it comes to marketing your business. And that’s a big one.
The power of three is found all around you.
Think about it. Most everything is made up of solid, liquid, and gas. Molecules have protons, electrons, and neutrons. And you have to come in first, second, or third place for a medal in the Olympics. Device and appliance settings use some form of high, medium, and low. Even our good ol’ planet Earth is the third planet from the Sun in our solar system.
And I’m just getting warmed up.
There are three primary colors. Red, yellow, and blue. And there are three secondary colors. Orange, green, and violet. And even this article I’m sharing has the three basics of visual communication. Elements, fonts, and colors.
And did you know that a triangle is considered the most stable, solid structural form? Yeah, that’s why a lot of construction, where huge amounts of weight are gonna be involved, uses triangle elements. And triangulation (where you pick three points about 120 degrees apart to determine your position) is used by the military and astronomers.
So, can you see the power of three?
Of course, you might be thinking, “OK, Ronda. But how is all that supposed to help my business?”
Well, you probably won’t ever have to triangulate your business. And you might not ever need to figure out how many protons, electrons, and neutrons are in that first cup of coffee each morning.
But you CAN plug your business into a my RondaReady 3 stage system and start feeling the power from day one. What? Surely you didn’t think I’d talk about the power of three without connecting it to my system. Hey, I wanna benefit from the power as much as anybody else.
But seriously, I DO break my system into 3 stages. And they’ll only be mighty powerful business building tools for you if and when you plug in and implement.
So, I suggest you start today. Be the highly organized CEO of your business instead of just another worker. If that sounds good, book a free 30 minute call with me. And together let’s see if my system is right for you. Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,