Procrastination is bad. Because there’s never a perfect time. Maybe you’ve said things, or you’ve heard someone you know say things, like…
“I’ll get started on my own business after we get in our new house.”
“After we get married and spend time getting to know each other, we’ll figure out how to start a business.”
“I can’t think about that right now. We just had our first kid.”
“But honey, if we put out the bucks for that system right now, we won’t be able to go on our vacation.”
Any of these questions sound familiar? If so, you’ve been listening to Mister Procrastination.
So, you can see why procrastination is bad. Right?
Grab yourself any of those standard excuses. Oops, I mean reasons. Yeah, I’m sure you’re probably like most other entrepreneurs. And you have “reasons” why you have to put something off. Or reasons why you can’t invest in your business. And maybe you’ve talked yourself into believing it’s because you “choose to wait.”
But most likely your lack of forward momentum building action is a result of some sort of fear.
So, maybe you’re afraid you don’t know enough. Or you’re not good enough at what you do yet. Or maybe you think others will think you’re crazy. And they’re just waiting for you to fail so they can say they told you so.
I’m here to encourage you to stop listening to the naysayers. Even the one inside your own head. And don’t let Mister Procrastination tell you what to do. Instead of standing still, do this. And start today. Right now. Get the tools and build a system that can give you the confidence and know-how to grab your dreams and hold on tight.
I love this quote I pulled from the book, “Healology,” by Criss Jami. He said, “If you’re waiting until you feel talented enough to make it, you’ll never make it.”
But I know that’s not you because you’re here.
You want to succeed. And you want the tools to help you start right now. You’re not willing to put the life you deserve on hold even one more day. Right?
My RondaReady System has helped scores of other entrepreneurs, like you, beat Mr. Procrastination. It’s the system that can help you build your business better, have more money, more time, and more freedom. Wanna find out more about it? Then click the link below and get my free emails. And you can send questions directly to me.
AND…I’ll answer them myself.
Stay Ready,