You gotta sell something if you wanna make money. I think we can all agree on that. Right? And, whether you like it or not, you gotta pay taxes. And I think we can all agree on how much we don’t like how much that is. Right? But you might disagree with me when I tell you that you pay a certain sales tax because you’re a failure.
“Wait. What sales tax? And who you callin’ a failure?”
I can almost hear you asking those questions. Because I’d ask the same ones if somebody dared to call me a failure. Especially if they call me that for paying a sales tax without knowing it.
Sure, I don’t keep track of every penny I spend on sales tax. Because, well, I have a life. And who keeps track of all that? Besides CPA’s and other accountants. Yeah, nobody.
But let’s go back to my first sentence. “You gotta sell something if you wanna make money.” That’s called sales. You need sales in order to make profits. And you need profits if you wanna keep buying groceries, gas, and other goodies.
So, since that’s all true, why do you (well, not YOU, but so many others) fail to come up with any sort of sales plan? I’ll tell you why in two words. Bo. Ring. Yes, boring. And no fun. And most certainly not the glamorous part of anybody’s business.
I read an article that included 8 sections for a typical sales plan:
- Target Customers
- Revenue Targets
- Strategies and Tactics
- Pricing and Promotions
- Deadlines and DRIs
- Team Structure
- Resources
- Market Conditions
Most people, even the ones who LUV to dive into the inner workings of their business, look at that list and cringe. But why?
Because that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the moving parts. And nobody wants to even think about how much there is to the rest of that iceberg.
But that’s why I started my RondaReady Business System hub.
Because I wanted to help risk takers get control of, and chip away those darn icebergs. And stop paying more sales tax than you absolutely have to pay just because you “failed to plan.”
But I’m not gonna share all the ways your hub can do that right now. Because I’d like to know more about what you’ve got going first. So, what you should do sooner rather than later is schedule a time to talk with me. And let’s talk about how setting up a hub could help you build your business better and faster. Because I know you’re NOT a failure.
Here’s your link to get started.
Stay Ready,
Responsive Organized Nonstop Digital Axis