If you want your future self to be prouder of you, it’s a good idea to set up things, the right way, now. Because right now is the only time you can do it, if you haven’t already. And statistics say the vast majority of newbies don’t set things up the right way when they first start out.
But when you set up things at the start, how might your future look?
I read an article that asked the question, “What do you think your future self would say to you?” And there were a lot of silly, and even ridiculous, answers. But there was one I really enjoyed. This young woman said…
“Hey. You have a lot of ambition. I like that about you. We are a lot alike in that regard. Thank you for continuing to push toward your dreams and get out of the jobs that caused us to be miserable. Staying would have been easy. Staying would have provided financial stability for the future. And staying would have been the socially acceptable thing to do.
But, with the support of Husband, you were able to branch out, start your Dog training business, and finally get your writing off the ground. The flexibility that I have now to stay home with the kids, attend all their activities, and spend quality time with Husband, is because of you.
I know you are close to giving up. All of the “no’s” and the lack of response is hard.
Keep going. It’s worth it in the end.
Sincerely, 2030 You
PS. Celery is still the worst.”
Ha! That’s just so great.
But maybe you don’t even know what you need to set up.
Well, that’s the place to start.
And here you are, still in January of the new year, 2022. So, you’re right at the beginning.
And I have a tool, in my RondaReady System called the Accomplishment Board. Because I love to focus on accomplishments. Before they’re even accomplished. Yep, BEFORE.
That’s part of the section of my System where you Envision Your Future. Back in the 80’s, a band called Timbuk 3 had a hit song called “The Future’s So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades.” Wouldn’t it be great to have that much confidence about your future?
Well, you’ve got a much better chance of that when you write it down. And put it where you can see it every day.
My accomplishment board has been a very popular part of the RondaReady System with most of my clients. And that’s just part of why I included it in RondaReady YOUniversity.
“What’s that you say? You haven’t heard of RondaReady YOUniversity?”
Well, it’s just about to officially launch. And you can know exactly when AND how to join if you’re on my email subscribers list. That would be the conspicuous link below.
Stay Ready,
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