Which do you think is better? Six degrees of separation? Or twelve points of contact? Think about it before you answer. Because there’ll be a test later. (Just kidding. I don’t wanna make up a test any more than you wanna take one.)
Anyway, before you answer, consider this…
I found out that Robert Downey Jr., Stand Katic, and Robert DeNiro all have a Bacon number of 2. And we’re not talking about breakfast bacon. No, this is about their connection (in movies) to Kevin Bacon. Maybe you’ve heard of the game, The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. It’s based on the idea of 6 degrees of separation. How it probably only takes 6 different connections to be connected to almost anybody.
But it got me wondering.
Aren’t those 6 degrees of separation really more like points of contact?
After all, if you can say there’s a degree of separation based on a common connection, that’s a contact. Matter of fact, the words connection and contact are synonyms. But maybe I’m getting a little to analytical about it. Sorry.
Anyway, it leads me to a point I make all the time with my clients. How around two percent of sales are made on the first contact. And eighty percent of sales are made after five to twelve points of contact.
And since that’s true, why is it only ten percent of sales people make more than three contacts?
Plus, statistically, ninety percent of sales are made on the fourth contact or after. Wow! So, what do all those numbers tell you. Simple. Better build a relationship with someone if you want their business.
So, you gotta set up and use a consistent system for following up with people. I know. I know. It sounds like a lot of work. Right? Well, it is. But guess what’s even more work? Not having a system. Because there’s no way you’ll be able to keep all those contacts in your head. And that means you probably won’t make at least five points of contact with each one.
Because, remember, most sales people stop after one or two points of contact. But that’s good news. It means your competition is basically handing you a bunch of leads and prospects on a silver platter.
Then, there’s the law of diffusion.
Share more information with more people. And that gives them more to help make up their minds. A when you help them make up their minds, they become YOUR customers and clients.
I’ve always shared a lot more about those numbers, with my clients, in my RondaReady System. And I’ve showed them how building those relationships wins referrals and increases influence.
But what if you’re just starting out? And what if you’re not even sure about the best work path to take? So, you don’t have a database or a large list of connections. What then?
Well, that’s exactly why I developed RondaReady YOUniversity. It’s a condensed version of my RondaReady System. And the focus is on…you guessed it…YOU.
It’s launching very, very shortly. So, if you’re a teenager just starting out in the real world, or someone who wants to start out in the business world, get on my email list. Then you’ll be one of the first to get access to more about it. AND you’ll even be one of the first to get my free time categorization tool offer.
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