Sharks are circling – Is it too late to start swimming faster?
Sharks Are Circling – Swim Faster
Do you ever feel like the sharks are circling you and your business? I’m talking about that overwhelming sense of not being in control. Where so many distractions and interruptions become like blood in the water and here come those sharks to take you away.
I talked with a client, recently, who’s been going through that. Of course, I know she shouldn’t be going through that because she’s so good at what she does. So, we went over her schedule of a typical day. As it turned out, she just needed better control of her activities, and I showed her how “batching” them can help alleviate that feeling of losing control.
When the sharks are circling, batch
Batching’s just another way of saying you’ll keep the same kinds of tasks together and do a bunch of them at the same time. The reason it works so well and helps you be more productive is because you don’t have to shift gears so much. Like sending out emails. Instead of doing one or a few of those every day, set up a time when you’ll do them all. Then you’ll be in that gear, and you won’t have to move back and forth between programs or apps.
Or how about scheduling all your phone calls for the same time each day. That way, phone calls won’t feel like an interruption. You’ll be getting to them on purpose, and you’ll be more focused on sales or customer service or whatever.
The time blocking tool in my RondaReady CRM system helped my client batch those daily tasks. And she told me, today, instead of feeling like the sharks are circling she feels like she’s safe in her speed boat.
I hope you’re staying shark free. But if you see fins in the water, I can help.
Stay Ready,
When you’re really, really ready to get ready, get RondaReady.