Imagine you’re a young medical student (and surfer) whose mother recently died of cancer (Sorry to sound so morbid. But bear with me). And you decide to take a trip to a secluded beach where your mother went when she was pregnant with you. Sounds like an interesting way to sort of make a mother-daughter connection. Right? And then you discover that sharks diet on surfers, too. What an amazing vacation.
Wait. What?! Did that say “sharks diet on surfers?”
Yeah, that was the plot of a movie, “The Shallows,” that starred Blake Lively, from back in 2016. And her character’s ordeal was just as awful as it sounds. She did some things I’d never dream of doing. And her choices didn’t go well for her.
First, she caught a ride to the secluded beach. And she had the guy drop her off, by herself, because her friend decided to stay at their hotel. And she joined a couple of strangers in the water to surf for a few hours. Then the two guys (yes, the two strangers were guys) decided to take off. But Blake’s character decided to “catch one last wave.”
She paddled out to where the swells start. And she noticed a smelly carcass of a young whale floating. Sure, it was gross, but she waited for the right wave anyway. As she waited she “felt” something was odd. But she waited, and then the wave came. So, she jumped up on her board and started enjoying a nice ride to shore.
But before she could make it to shore, a huge shark knocked her off the board and bit her leg while she was underwater. Somehow she got away and made it to the smell whale carcass and climbed up on it. But, of course, the huge shark managed to ram the whale and knock her off. So, she swam frantically to some nearby rocks that poked up out of the water.
She spent the night on the rock after using her jewelry and med school skills to stitch up her wound. And the next day the horror with the shark continued.
But I won’t give away the rest, in case you haven’t seen it and think you might want to see it. If you do, be sure you’re not squeamish about humans becoming part of the food chain.
That movie reminded me of a client of mine who felt as though her life was like a shark attack. And that was because her schedule was out of control. So, I asked her to show me her schedule of a typical day. And how she worked on it. Turns out, she just needed better control of her activities. So, I showed her how to “batch.”
There’s nothing like serving up a daily batch.
Batching your schedule works so well and helps you be more productive. Because you don’t have to shift gears so much. To stretch out a surfing analogy, it’s kinda like this. You wouldn’t go to the beach to catch one wave and then leave and then come back the next day to catch one wave. Right?
That would be a terrible use of your energy, skills, and time.
But, sadly, too many business owners and entrepreneurs work like that. And they become a part of the shark’s diet. The shark, in this case, is wasted time and all the lost productivity.
I’ve helped a lot of people completely turn that around. And if you feel the shark’s teeth nipping at your toes, you should give me call. Let’s talk about getting you out of that dangerous water and off the sharks diet.
Use that life preserver, I mean handy calendar below to schedule a free consultation call. And give me a chance to see what’s going on in your life. I’d love to help YOU if I can. Let’s talk soon.
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