Small steps repeated over and over
Have you ever watched ants? They’re so tiny. And they’re always working on something. And if you only watch them for a little while, you might not figure out what they’re doing at all. But if you come back to the same place the next day, you might find a pile of tiny particles with a hole in the middle. Those little, bitty ants played a tiny part, with small steps, in building something bigger than any of them.
A quote by Robert Collier says it like this: “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.“
The small steps of the tiny ants illustrate this point.
Ants are small. And the steps they take to build something are so small they’re almost invisible. But they’re consistent. They show up for work every day. And their small steps eventually pay off.
Something else about ants…when rain (or somebody’s sprinkler system) washes away their efforts, they get right back to work. And eventually, through those small steps, they get their place built again. In other words, they don’t give up when things get tough.
You’re better than ants. And what you’re doing with your life is much more important. So, I’d like to encourage you to keep making those small steps. Do some today. Do some more tomorrow. And don’t stop until you succeed.
And once you succeed, don’t stop there. Start on something else with small steps. You can do it. Get ready, and…
Stay Ready,
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