What do phone calls, lunch breaks, ringing doorbells, unexpected errands, Sean Connery, Shelley Duvall, John Cleese, and Katherine Helmond all have in common? They’re all time bandits. Hmm…now that I’ve typed that down in black and white, something seems a little mixed up. Maybe I should explain.
Time Bandits is a movie, too.
Yeah, I’m always talking about schedule control to help you manage your business. So, of course it makes sense to list some normal time bandits like phone calls, ringing doorbells, etc. But Sean Connery? And those other actors? Huh?
Well, just in case you’re too young to remember…or in case you just never heard of it, there was a movie with that title. And Sean Connery and those other actors (and more) were all part of the cast. I never saw the whole movie. But the original trailer for the movie is so funny. Take a couple of minutes and watch it…
OK…where was I?
Oh yeah. Schedule control. And time.
You can’t make the best use of your days, and be productive, without a schedule. And strategic thinking. And goal setting, prioritizing, delegating, problem solving, and good quick decision-making. Without those working for you, don’t be surprised when you find yourself looking for excuses to run errands. Or making phone calls that don’t help your business.
If any of that touched a nerve, or if some other similar actions sound like you, you’ve been had…by time bandits.
But never worry. Never fear. Because your friendly neighborhood R.O.N.D.A. (Responsive Organized Nonstop Digital Assistant) is here. With her RondaReady system superpowers she can help you leap over those bandits. Faster than a speeding bullet. Well, faster than you’ll ever be able to without a system anyway.
So, when you’re really ready to be the highly organized CEO of your business, get your own R.O.N.D.A.
Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,