By now you’ve heard the “Twelve Days of Christmas” song at least once when you’ve gone just about anywhere. Of course. Because it’s on the radio, in the stores, and even playing on the streets. It’s a repetitious song. But it’s definitely part of our American Christmas heritage. So, it plays every year.
But those twelve days of Christmas would be an event planner’s nightmare.
At least if all twelve days of Christmas have to be represented. Because, think about it. The planner would have to find eight cows, seven swans, six geese, four calling birds (whatever those are), three French hens, two turtledoves, and a partridge.
But wait. We’re just gettin’ started.
Because the planner would also have to hire twelve drummers, eleven pipers, ten lords (Can you even hire lords?), nine ladies, and eight maids. PLUS, there’d have to be some sort of arrangement with a local jeweler for the loan of five golden rings. And then the planner would have to figure out how to keep all the animals fed and calm. And everyone would have to know their parts. And…well…
As I said, just an event planner’s nightmare. She (or he) would have to be able to shoot from the hip with amazing abilities. OR have a dependable System for finding and hiring all that talent. And that System would be great if it could help her (or him) automate a lot of the process. Because, think about it, the same party’s gonna happen somewhere again next year.
Maybe even next week.
And a really great system would help the planner delegate a lot of the repetitive work. Like feeding the animals, cleaning their pens and cages, and even cleaning up after them. Yuck.
Also, a great system would help the planner keep track of what worked and what didn’t. And where the best sources are for hiring talent and finding the animals. And that’s why it’s called a System. Because it’s a process of doing more of what works and less of what doesn’t.
Well, you might not have to worry about organizing a party for the twelve days of Christmas. But I know you need a System to help you do more of what works and less of what doesn’t. Maybe you already have that system. If so, great.
If not, I’d love to talk with you and show you how the RondaReady System could be the one for you. Book a free call with me. And let’s talk about it, soon. Find a time that works for you, in the calendar below.
Stay Ready,