Turn your what if questions downside up
What if questions you asked yourself didn’t have to be full of doubt? Stop asking yourself “What’ll I do if I try this and it fails?” And start asking yourself, “What if I become a huge success?” Don’t you love the sound of the second question? “But Ronda” you say, “What if I ask myself positive questions, and negative things still happen?” Well, then you give up, of course! Or…
Keep asking positive what if questions until you can answer them positively.
Check out these lyrics from a song by the Dave Matthews Band…
“It starts with one step, however small
First step is hardest of all
Once you get to your gate
You will walk in tall
You said you never did
‘Cause you might die trying”
Are you literally afraid you might “die trying?”
I can just about one hundred percent guarantee you won’t die as you start pursuing your dream. And…What if you followed your dream and, oh, I don’t know, you actually got what you wanted? When you ask yourself the positive what if questions, that can actually happen. But when you constantly ask yourself the other questions…not so much.
It’s almost like a mysterious, invisible force builds inside you when you think and believe you can achieve what you want. Yeah, it’s sort of like the more you believe you can do it, the more likely you can achieve it. And at the very least, you’ll just flat out feel better when you focus on the life you really want. When you feel better, you’re more likely to take action. And, when you take action…BAM! Action takers don’t tend to have regrets. At least not about not going for it. So, live big. Live positive.
The Ronda Ready online business coach CRM system can help you organize your business and your day-to-day tasks. And when you know what you’re gonna do (because you plan it out and write it down) you can stop those negative what if questions. I can help you…
Stay Ready,
When you’re really, really ready to get ready, get RondaReady
P.S. If you’re already a RondaReady Online Business Coach CRM System subscriber, I’d love to give you some of your money back. In fact, when you mention it to other business owners you know, or friends, or clients…and you’ll receive a commission for every single one who signs up for RondaReady. That is…when you’re an affiliate. It’s a great way to get back the money you paid for your own membership. And I’ve already set it up and made it super easy for you.
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