Where do you see yourself
in 5 years?
Yuck. That dreaded job interview question. I’ll never forget the first time I heard it. And would you believe, little Miss-Organized-Business-Coach didn’t have a well thought out answer? True. I had a good interview. And my qualifications were on the money. And luckily I came up with a good enough answer to get the job. But I vowed right there and then I would never again be unprepared when anyone asked me, “So, where do you see yourself in 5 years?”
But let me ask you: where do you see YOURself in 5 years?
Or ten? Or one? You gotta have a clear vision of who you are and where you want to take your business? But if you don’t, it’s so important to get that established as soon as possible. In my RondaReady online business coach CRM system I talk about how it’s like playing a video of your own dreams. And you watch yourself building them and making them come true.
But dreams can get blurred and hard to see. Believe me I understand. Because I’ve spent over 16 years as a business owner raising three kids. Talk about blurred vision! But fortunately I can fall back on my system to help me focus the camera in my head. And gets me clear-headed in the right direction again. I remember what I really want out of life. And where I want to take my business.
So, my proven system includes a simple, yet powerful, tool to keep you focused. And get you back on track when everyday distractions bump you off course. You wouldn’t believe how effective this is…and yet how many people don’t take the time to set it up. It doesn’t require any tech skills, computer nerd brain power, or lengthy learning curve. But you’ll love the results.
You’ll be ready for the dreaded question. No matter who asks it. Or why. And with your proven system in place, you’ll…
Stay Ready,
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If you’re not ready to commit to hiring an online business coach, or if you’re a confident do-it-yourselfer, grab my free book: And there’s a paperback version available for $20 on Amazon if you’d rather pay for it and not subscribe to my emails. Whichever way you choose, everything I teach my one-on-one clients is in the book. And you can start building your business better, today.