As I was doing some research this week, I came across a web page with this headline: “Top 10 Business Tricks Which Successful People Know.” And, of course, that set off my consultant radar. Because … Read the rest…
Tag Archives: business tips
Someone sent me an article about how to run a web design business remotely. And the person who wrote the article shared 6 key things to keep in mind if you think that’s something you’d … Read the rest…
Seasoned entrepreneurs and owners will tell you, if you ever get a chance to ask, that you can always improve your business. Because they know, sometimes all too well, where the stumbling blocks and black … Read the rest…
A friend of mine told me a story about his recent visit to relatives in Illinois. He and his wife went there to spend some time with her sister and brother-in-law. And something happened that … Read the rest…
There’s no shortage of advice, out there, for how to simplify your life. Lists are everywhere. Like one I found this morning with 20 areas of your life you could make simpler. And if you … Read the rest…
When you wake up in the morning, do you feel like making the perfect cup of coffee from scratch? And, by that, I mean, are you ready to freshly grind the properly roasted beans to … Read the rest…
You’re gonna fall from time to time. So, you might as well fall forward. Recently, I saw a video where Denzel Washington said something like, if you’re going to fall, fall forward. I love the … Read the rest…
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Yuck. That dreaded job interview question. I’ll never forget the first time I heard it. And would you believe, little Miss-Organized-Business-Coach didn’t have a well thought out … Read the rest…
Ford vs Ferrari I saw the movie, Ford vs Ferrari, this past weekend. And the business side of my brain kept seeing how the movie was about so much more than race cars. Of course … Read the rest…
Are you a stick in the mud? “When you pray for rain, you have to deal with the mud too.” ~Denzel Washington (from The Equalizer) Have you ever been called a stick in the mud? … Read the rest…