Where do you want to go? Do you know? I guess it’s no big deal if you don’t. Because it’ll probably all turn out just fine. Right? What do they say? “It’s all good.” So, come to think of it, why would I even ask,
“Where do you want to go?”
Ha! I’m gonna do what a good friend of mine does in situations like this. I’m gonna insert *obnoxious buzzer* sound. And call “foul.”
Because you need to know where you want to go. And you should know why.
There used to be a TV commercial that said, “a body in motion tends to stay in motion.” And I believe you can substitute the word “business” in place of “body” in that statement. Because a business in motion tends to stay in motion. But it’s not automatically forward motion. If you want forward motion, you need to analyze what works. And what doesn’t. Especially if you want to be able to answer the question, where do you want to go?
I’ve told this to my one-on-one clients enough times they probably wanna smack me.
If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there?
You gotta Be Ready for when you get there, too. And part of being ready is knowing your numbers. Do you know where most or all of your business originates? And do you have an idea of where you’d like it to come from in the future? Do you know how to adjust your marketing to get results you want?
How do you know, if you’re not keeping score?
It’s a big part of being your own boss and conveying leadership.
For example, if you don’t know your numbers, you might think the answer for more business is always “Uh, I gotta go get more clients or customers.” But that doesn’t factor in the ones you already have? How are they producing? Maybe they might buy more.
That was certainly the case with my client’s business. So, we did a quick analysis of previous orders (aka: his numbers). Then, we set up some strategies for how to boost those monthly sales. And we saw how 75% of the increase he wanted and needed for the year could be achieved with his current customers.
At least as long as he helps his customers make more money. Because helping them make more tends to help him make more. Sounds logical. Right?
And we discovered all this with documented numbers.
I’m not talkin’ about just the old money-in-money-out numbers. Because you gotta know where it’s coming from. So you can be sure how to position your business for that forward motion I mentioned.
Now, I’ll ask you again. Where do you want to go?
My RondaReady System can help you automate and delegate a lot of the process to know your numbers.
But maybe you shouldn’t jump right into the System. Because your business needs to be generating enough income for you to justify the investment. If that’s not you, yet, don’t worry at all. Instead, click or tap the link below and stay in touch with me. I share stuff all the time that could help get you over the initial hurdle.
Stay Ready,