So, maybe the ultimate anti woulda coulda song is “My Way.” It’s actually a famous song written by three French songwriters. And then, the more well-known English lyrics were written by Paul Anka. And famous versions were sung by Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley.
The first verse shows why I call it the ultimate anti woulda coulda song.
And now, the end is near.
And so I face the final curtain.
My friend, I’ll say it clear.
I’ll state my case, of which I’m certain.
I’ve lived a life, a life that’s full.
I traveled each and every highway.
And more, much more than this, I did it my way
Yeah, that sounds like someone who lived a life on his or her own terms. Right? And another adds another reinforcing perspective.
Regrets, I’ve had a few.
But then again, too few to mention.
And the song goes on to show how the person lived a full life. And it’s a life so full that the main regret is that it’s almost over.
So, some time ago I shared a list of 7 things that business owners said were their greatest regrets. And here’s the list counted down from least regretted to most.
7. Set prices too low
6. And increased prices too fast
5. Focused on revenue. And not profit
4. Didn’t focus on sales enough
3. Didn’t know who the right customers were
2. No market analysis ahead of time
1. And shoulda started sooner
Sure, most of the list is about the money and the market.
But the number one regret is all about TIME.
And, it makes total sense. Right? Because lost time is something you can never get back. Because it’s gone. Despite what all those entertaining sci-fi movies would have you believe. No, lost time is lost. And it WILL trigger woulda coulda thoughts.
So, the best solution to avoid those thoughts is to get to work on your dreams and vision while you’re young. Or if you’re not young, maybe help someone, who’s young, get started right now. Because wouldn’t it be awesome to help them have fewer regrets when they get much further along in their life?
And I agree.
So, that’s why I started RondaReady YOUniversity.
It’s a step-by-step course to help young people, just starting out, get leadership skills most of their peers will never get. And it shows them how to build the right system, for their ideas and dreams, to get better results much faster in life?
Because, it would be so sad if they lived a life that didn’t make good use of their gifts and talents. So, if you’re someone who’d prefer to avoid those regrets, or help someone else avoid those regrets, I’d love to talk to you about it.
Jump to the calendar, below, right now. And book a free call with me. And let’s talk, soon, about how RondaReady System Think could help you change your woulda coulda into will and can.
Stay Ready,