Write it down…for you!
Here’s a quote from Napoleon Hill that has certainly had an impact on my business life. “Reduce your plan to writing. The moment you complete this, you will have definitely given concrete form to the intangible desire.” It’s almost like something magical happens when you write it down for you and your business. But it’s not magic. It’s just the best way to turn your thoughts into something you can see.
And I can’t write it down for you, even though it was how I started my coaching business.
When I first started, I didn’t see myself as a coach. I simply wanted to help business owners and entrepreneurs document their processes and procedures. I had learned for myself, the hard way, how, without documentation, I was a one-man-band. Sure, I could play the music in my head, but I couldn’t get others to play it for me. Or even with me.
Well…not very well at least.
Of course, I could take the shadow-me-and-do-what-I-do approach. But that takes so much time and energy. And it zaps creativity and productivity. Plus, I saw other business owners doing that, and it wasn’t working well for them either. More often than not, they’d go through their process with a new hire only to see them leave. Then they’d have to start all over with the next hire.
Stage 3 of the RondaReady business coach CRM system helps you get your business written down and out of your head. It shows you how to delegate the day-to-day operations to others. Or automate them with the right tools.
And that helps you get back some of the freedom you longed for when you chose to be an entrepreneur.
Even if you don’t want employees…even if you prefer the solo life…I encourage you to “Write It Down!” For your own sanity. Because when you do, you’ll go from having a hobby to owning a productive, sustainable business.
You’ll be thrilled at how much more organized, efficient, and effective you’ll be.
And guess what that means? More money in less time. Essentially, you’ll be giving yourself a raise. And with the cost of living, these days, who doesn’t want a raise in pay?
You know what? You should write that down. “I want to give myself a raise. I want to clear my head, write down my plans, and start making more money.”
And I want to help you do that.
The RondaReady business coach CRM system has helped scores of other entrepreneurs, like you, write down their policies, procedures, daily to-do’s, calendars, and more. And they’ve been able to delegate so they could work ON their business while others worked IN it.
Are you ready for some help writing it down and tracking, and measuring your results? Schedule a time to talk with me about how my system might help you Get Ready, Be Ready, and…
Stay Ready,