Your business can be your art
Vincent van Gogh used paint and canvas to create beautiful and memorable masterpieces. But keep in mind, Vincent was also a deeply troubled soul. I’ll bet he had no idea there’d be movies and songs written about him long after he was gone. One thing was for sure, though. He pursued his art with a passion. Do you pursue your art that way?
Your tools might not be paint and canvas, but you can use your skills and talents to create something magical. Something rewarding. Not only for you, but for your family and friends and even people you might employ.
Maybe you won’t ever see your best efforts hanging in a museum. Or hear your compositions played on the radio or internet. You might never take awe-inspiring photographs from deep under the sea or deep in space. But you don’t have to go to such extremes to create a masterpiece. Truth is the vast majority of people who’ve ever lived weren’t famous artists. Most people are just like you and me. Working on dreams and ideas and ways to take care of the ones we love. Right?
Your art…your dreams and ideas and your business…can provide income and opportunities.
So what if people a hundred years from now don’t make movies or write songs about you. What does any of that matter as long as you took care of your family as you pursued your goals with enthusiasm and passion? Your art built and developed even more important things than pictures and music. You built relationships. The fundamental reason for any of us to be here.
I want you to know I’m pulling for you. That’s why I created my online business coaching and CRM system. To help you create your art and have more money, more time, and more freedom.
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