On February 17, 2017, somebody (or a group) discovered what they call a “new continent.” But it’s basically submerged under the ocean. I read a quote, from a geologist named Nick Mortimer, Ph.D. that said, “if you could pull a plug on the world’s oceans, then Zealandia would probably long ago have been recognized as a continent.” But apparently, even without pulling the plug, Zealandia is rising.
You can look at Google Maps or Google Earth and see Zealandia, underwater, all around New Zealand. It’s very cool to get a picture of how much bigger New Zealand would be if all that submerged land was above water.
And if Zealandia is rising, who knows what could happen?
I read about how massive the economic impact could be if New Zealand, or other countries, could lay claim the resources underneath Zealandia. Because it appears to have huge natural gas reserves, possible oil, and of course there’s all that extra land.
Just imagine. It’s all there. And it’s just waiting to be discovered, explored, and tapped into.
But I’m a business coach. Not a PhD scientist or geologist or underwater explorer. So, why would I even bring any of this up. Well, because I tend to equate or correlate everything to business. And Zealandia reminded me of something.
A lot of success, in business, especially when you just get started, is waiting to be discovered, explored, and tapped into. Your success increases as you dive into your dreams with passionate expectation. Like someone who’s about to discover a brand new continent. And you just KNOW it’s there. But you’ve got to uncover it.
And you’re just like those scientists and geologists who discover untapped resources underwater and underground. Because you need a System to get the job done better and faster.
Good news is…you don’t have to buy any heavy equipment.
But you do have to invest.
But aren’t your dreams and visions worth it? Don’t you wanna gain your independence? Emotional, financial, mental, and even physical?
So, you might think you could wait and sell somebody on your dreams and ideas. And you might think somebody, or some company, will catch sight of your dreams and invest in them. But it’s not likely if you’re not willing to invest in them first.
Because when you invest in good tools to help you build something powerful, you have something powerful to share. And that’s way more…well…powerful, when it comes to seeking investors.
My RondaReady System can help you build something powerful. And it can help you do that better and faster. You could see your own private Zealandia rising up from your dreams. If that sounds appealing, your link is below.
Stay Ready,