When I first started creating profiles online, I wanted to put my best face forward. Who wouldn’t? So, I made sure to get a professional picture. Set up a cover image with the “right info.” And then I checked out what others were doing to be sure I was holding my own online.
But then it dawned on me. Everybody wants their best face forward.
Well, most everybody anyway. Right?
And it can be easy to get discouraged when you see those “perfect” profiles and pictures. But there’s a bigger problem than that. It’s not difficult to look around and find others who aren’t doing as well as you. At least, it can look that way to you. But that’s when you can start to get the wrong impression of yourself.
Those kinds of comparisons aren’t helpful. Because they can slow you down from being the best YOU possible.
Here are some questions you can ask yourself to see if you truly ARE putting your best face forward.
- Are you moving forward?
- Are you taking actions each day to get you closer to what you want in your life?
- Do you serve others well?
- And do others keep working with you and love to refer you to their customers?
- Do you have a system to effectively and efficiently follow up with your clients and customers?
If you can answer yes to those questions, then it doesn’t matter what others are doing. Because if you’re doing those things well, you’re a picture of success. And I’d love to hear your story.
And what others do or say is almost always nothing but distraction.
Here’s what I recommend. Your success comes from following YOUR path. Focus on your own consistent improvements. Get where you wanna be. And if your goal is to be a more highly organized CEO of your own business, then plug into RondaReady. It’s my proven System that’s helped lots of other aspiring business owners go from 5 figures businesses to 6 figures. And from 6 figures businesses to 7 figures.
So, if a System sounds better than daily confusion or frustration, click or tap the link below.
Stay Ready,