Is it just me? Or does April always seem shorter than it is. I mean, it has a day less than March and May. And that’s only a day. But it always seems to go by lots faster than the others. I’m not complaining. Because I prefer warm weather. And April is still cold right now where I live. But, it’s about time I got to the point about what I’m sharing with you today.
And it’s actually about time.
No, I mean what I’m sharing with you IS about time.
Way, way back when I was younger, when I thought I’d live forever (you know how it is when you’re young), I had a neighbor who was a crazy shopper. At least that was my take. Because, every week she drove to 4 different stores for her weekly shopping. One store for produce, one for paper goods. Another one for its deli. And so on. I saw how it took her just about all day long. She said the reason she shopped that way was to get the better prices.
Hmm. Does that actually add up?
So, let’s say you’re a business person who does the same thing. You have your database with one system. And your marketing automation is in another system. Maybe you use Google calendar or Apple’s Calendar on yet another system. Then, your performance management is on still another system (or no performance management at all).
And that might not be the worst problem.
Maybe you also depend on a team member or family member to help you with all those systems. But they’re not functionally familiar with any of them. And they can’t help you make the best use of any of them. But they’re willing to help out for “free.”
There’s that pesky word. Free. Remember time is money. So if somebody’s willing to help, but you gotta help them understand the system, that costs time. And that time equals your money. And that means it’s not so free after all. Right?
The more time you have to spend on different systems, or showing someone else how to use them, the more money you lose. And is that why you chose to own a business?
Or was it because you wanted more money and freedom? If that’s the real reason, then it’s about time you got your mind wrapped around time management. Or, as I like to call it, schedule control. Because when you control your schedule (your time), you’re well on your way to creating a system for your personal and business economy.
That’s a big part of why I developed my RondaReady System.
And then, I condensed a lot of that teaching into UNversity. It’s smaller bites of how-to coaching normally reserved for my one-on-one clients. And the lesson, for May 2023, is all about time. So, yes, it’s crucial. We’ll be going over:
- Time classifications
- Time blocking, and
- Daily Intentions
Enroll today for a monthly tuition of $15. I haven’t raised the price since I started UNversity. But that’s likely to change in 2023. So, get in now and be in time for the next lesson on the first Thursday in May (same goes for each month).
The deadline to enroll is always the last day of the preceding month, when the clock strikes midnight. And that’s only six days away. So, don’t delay. Link is below.
Stay Ready,
Enroll in UNversity today –