If you’re an entrepreneur with bigger dreams and goals, you probably have business coach questions. Because you, naturally, wanna know it’s worth it to hire someone to help you. Right? Of course. I’m the same way. And I’ve certainly had my share of questions.
But what about when a business coach questions you?
Uh-oh. Did I just turn the tables around on you? Well, yeah. A little. But I think there are some questions that work both ways. Like these examples…
“What do you hope to achieve in our sessions?”
This is definitely a two-way question. Because if you AND the business coach don’t have a measurable and specific outcome, how will either of you know where to start? Much less where to end up. Even if you tell your (potential) coach you just need constructive feedback, that’s at least measurable and specific.
“What kind of solutions can help this business?”
That’s a good question to start with. Because, regardless of who asks, it shows a desire to hear another side. Not just jumping in with ideas before you even understand the problems.
“What’s been working or not working so far?”
It’s good to ask this question after the others. Because it helps both sides get a better understanding of what to do more of and what to do less. And, of course, it helps to stay focused on the measurable and specific outcome mentioned before.
There are plenty of other questions. But I just wanted to share 3 to help you consider whether or not a business coach would help your situation. Of course, I’m biased. Because I’ve seen how much coaches have helped me. And I’ve seen lots and lots of testimonials from my clients who say I’ve helped them.
But it’s not just touchy feely help.
It’s literal business-building help. The kind of help that took 5 figures income earners to 6 figures. And 6 figures income earners to 7 figures.
But you still might not be sure if diving into a full-fledged business coach arrangement is affordable. And, if you can’t get your increased business to pay for it, then it isn’t. So, in that case, consider dipping your toes in to coaching.
And if you’re ready for that, I have a great option for you. UNversity. It’s not a big financial commitment. But it IS a $15 monthly commitment. And for only $15 a month you get my once-a-month how-to video lessons. Yep, I’ll send you a link to a video of me telling exactly how to do something that’ll help you build your business better and faster.
UNversity classes are the first Thursday of every month. That means October’s lesson is coming right up. A week from today, as I write this. On October 7 to be exact. So, don’t wait another minute. You gotta sign up by the end of the day today, September 30, to get in October’s lesson which is database categorization.
Your highly affordable link is below.
Stay Ready,