Here it is. Day number 365 in the year that was 2021. And that means this is the last time I’ll talk to you this week, this month, and this year.
Day number 365 also means something else pretty big.
Tomorrow is day number 1 of 2022.
And the fact that it’s the very first day of the year is probably why so many people start out with new resolutions on that day. Seems sensible. Right? Yeah, start something new at the very beginning.
OK, it’s sensible to start out the new year with new resolutions. So, why can’t more people stick with those resolutions? Well, if you’ve followed me a while, you know I have an opinion about that. And you know I’m gonna share that opinion with you. But I believe my opinion stands firmly on solid evidence.
Here’s a list of some of the most common new year resolutions. See if you can figure out what problem they all have in common…
- Lose weight (yeah, that’s a big one…no pun intended)
- Save money
- Stop smoking
- Start a new hobby
- Break away from online distractions
- Spend more time with family
- Volunteer more
- Sleep more
- Travel more
Do you see the problem with that list?
For the sake of time, I won’t wait for your answer. I’ll just let you know how all those resolutions are vague. And blurry. And vague and blurry is a recipe for failure. Because if you can’t specifically define something, then you can’t create a vision of it in your head. And, like the old quote says, “Without vision, the people perish.”
Or at least your new year’s resolutions perish.
So, how do you get more specific? DON’T resolve to lose more weight. DO resolve to lose 20 pounds. Better yet, DO resolve to establish better eating habits and move around more…every day.
And DON’T resolve to save money. DO set up a budget, figure out how and where to apply your money, and determine how much you can pay into your own account.
DON’T say you wanna volunteer more or sleep more, or travel more. And DO figure out the best use of your time each day so you know when and how often you can volunteer. Plus, figure out where that will be. And put it on the calendar where you can see it every day. And guess what calendaring will do for you?
Well, I won’t make you guess.
When you write it down on a calendar, you have a MUCH better chance of getting it done. Because seeing it in black and white (or whatever colors you prefer) makes it REAL. And R.E.A.L. stands for Really Enjoy A Life.
Who couldn’t really enjoy a life where things get done? Where dreams come true. Not fairy tale dreams. Grownup dreams. Of resolutions made AND kept.
That’s exactly why I started my business. And it’s exactly why I’ve been working to help as many other business owners and entrepreneurs as possible to make their grownup dreams come true, too.
My RondaReady System has already helped scores of them turn 5 figure incomes into 6 figures. And 6 figure incomes into 7 figures. If you plan to resolve a new start for your business at the beginning of the new year that starts tomorrow, get my System.
It’s not guaranteed to work for everyone. Because not everyone will work it. But for people who can commit to specific resolutions (is that YOU?), the RondaReady System can be a game changer.
Make day number 365 of this year be the start of a much better, successful next year. Your link is below.
Stay Ready,