“If you want a happy life, tie it to a goal, not people or things.” That’s a quote from Albert Einstein. And I definitely agree. But I also know that disappointment is inevitable in life. Whether you tie it to a goal or people or whatever. Because we don’t live in a fairy tale. Right?
Just because disappointment is inevitable doesn’t mean it has to be constant.
I know (from personal experience, unfortunately) how people and things can let you down. Several times, in my life I’ve had, what many would call, success. And all the trimmings that go with it. But, underneath it all was disappointment. Because something was missing.
Once I stopped putting my eggs into somebody else’s basket, my attitude started changing for good. And once I stopped focusing on things, and started to focus on serving other entrepreneurs, I found my purpose.
What a relief! And what an awesome difference it made in my whole life.
I discovered that getting things more organized in my business life also helped me organize my family life. And that helped me reach my goal of working from home so I could better serve my family. Because I know that’s my most important job.
And I developed a System to help me stay on track.
It’s called the RondaReady System. And one of the best tools I share in the System is Automation. Because, when you start out as a solopreneur or solo proprietor or one-man-band, the whole business relies on you. But with Automation, you can leverage your time. And there’s nothing better to help you be in more places at one time.
I’m sharing a more in-depth how-to lesson about Automation in this month’s UNversity class. That’s my monthly class I offer on the first Thursday of each month. Which happens to be tomorrow March 3. But if you haven’t already enrolled (deadline is the last day of each previous month), you won’t be able to attend. But you can be early for next month’s class if you click the link, below, and enroll today.
$15 a month to dig a little deeper into strategies and tools to help you build and fortify your business. And maybe avoid more disappointments in life. It would sure make me feel good to know I helped you do that. Enroll today.
Stay Ready,