When it comes to money and time, which would you say is more valuable? Money, of course. Just kidding. Because you can get more money if you produce value. But no matter how much value you can produce, you’ll never get or make even one more second.
There was an old movie, from way before my time, that portrayed the political life of Huey P. Long. And don’t worry if you don’t know who that is. I didn’t know either till I saw a quote.
Mr. Long was evidently a kingpin of sorts in Louisiana. And after he became a United States Senator from that state, he worked on some questionable legislation. And it made one man angry enough to shoot Mr. Long. The bullet hit him in the torso. But he survived long enough to catch a ride to the hospital.
At the hospital, they did their best to sew up his intestines. But they couldn’t stop the internal bleeding. And, according to some sources, his last words were, “God, don’t let me die. I have so much to do.”
So, as you can see, money and time are both valuable but not equal.
That’s part of what I share in this month’s UNversity lesson. It’s coming up day after tomorrow, on March 3. But you can’t sign up. Because the deadline to sign up for the $15 monthly classes is always midnight of the last day of the preceding month. And that was yesterday.
But you can sign up right now, and be way ahead of the curve for April’s lesson. And these monthly lessons are how-to lessons. Not just what I called “yammering on” about the what with no how.
So, be the early bird this month. Jump on that link below. And enroll in RondaReady UNversity. Here’s how this month’s lesson, Automation, helped one of my clients…
Stay Ready,