Focus on positive stuff. Sure, it’s human nature to be negative. And that’s part of this world we live in. So, you could say it’s only natural to be negative. But why would you wanna say that? Right?
Yeah, the sooner you focus on positive stuff, the sooner that stuff can happen.
And wouldn’t you rather feel good everyday? I sure would. Because, when you feel good, your actions tend to be good.
Like I’ve said before, it works so well, it’s almost like magic. And no magician required.
So, today, take some time to recognize when you don’t feel so great. And then pay attention to those thoughts.
What kind of questions do you ask yourself? Maybe that’s a good place to start a new and different story. Get some better questions. And then you can get some better answers.
That’s why I also recommend an annual remodel. For you AND your business. But especially for YOU.
Because if you’re not feelin’ it, your business could suffer.
An annual remodel can help you equip yourself with better answers. Then, you’ll be better equipped to manage the expectations of your customers and clients. And, as it just so happens, that’s what the RondaReady UNversity how-to lesson was about this month. Yeah, the lesson for June 2022, was focused on your annual remodel.
But that lesson was today. And if you didn’t enroll in time, you missed it. The enrollment deadline is always the last day of the prior month. And that was May 31st. But just because you missed June’s lesson doesn’t mean you have to miss any more. Enroll before the end of the day on June 30 and you’ll be RondaReady for July’s UNversity lesson.
I’ll tell you, later, what it’s gonna be about. But you can be sure it’s a great how-to lesson to help you grow your business better and faster. So, while it’s fresh in your mind, click or tap on the link below and enroll. See you there.
Stay Ready,