Hey there. Ronda here. I know I usually send you something in the morning. And, as I send this quick note out, it’s Friday evening. And I wanted to say a little something about the weekend jobs that might pop up
But I don’t mean weekend jobs like mowing or home improvements.
A while back I talked about the old passion versus purpose dilemma. Because there are so many business experts wo tell newbies to pursue their passions. And there are just as many who’ll tell you to find your purpose, build a solid business, and the passion will develop over time.
Plus, I shared a story (maybe you remember?) about how a business owner newbie went to two different seminars on two straight weekends. Yeah, in the first one, the main speaker talked all about how to “pump up your passion.” And the second main speaker, the next weekend, bragged about the “power of purpose.”
I think both models can be true. And the key word there is “can.”
But what does all that have to do with weekend jobs? Hmm…maybe nothing.
But then again, maybe quite a bit.
Let’s say you wanna enjoy a relaxing weekend with your family. Or your new main squeeze. But something from your work pops in on your phone. And you know if you don’t get right to it you won’t be able to stop thinking about it. So, suddenly one of those “weekend jobs” has all your attention. And that family (or squeeze) loses your undivided attention. Ooh, not good.
If you were one of my one-on-one clients, and you told me a similar story, I’d say you need a remodel. You AND your business both. And I recommend my clients do what I call their annual remodel. Yep. Every year. Because things change. And you and your business gotta stay on top of it.
The RondaReady UNversity class for June 2022 was all about your annual remodel. If you weren’t there, I’m sorry you missed out. Because class members got a how-to lesson on the art and science of the annual remodel.
Whether you missed out on June’s lesson or not, don’t miss July’s. I’ll tell you, later, what it’s gonna be about. And you can be sure it’s a great how-to lesson to help you grow your business better and faster. The best way to get signed up and be Ready for July’s class (which is the first Thursday of the month) is to click or tap on the link below and enroll.
Make it one of your weekend jobs that pays for itself.
Have a great weekend, and…
Stay Ready,