I’ll take public opinions for $300, Alex. Uh-oh, I might be in jeopardy of showing my old-school days if I talk about certain game shows. Right? Well, so what. You watch what you want. And I’ll watch what I want. And that includes video clips from old game shows. Because they’re so funny.
One of those old game shows was Family Feud.
I looked it up. And that show started in the 1970’s. Apparently it’s still seen on TV. With a new host and still with plenty of wacky contestants. I wonder if the new host, Steve Harvey, turns around and says, “Survey says?!”
Doesn’t matter. I’m not gonna watch the show. I just don’t have time. But I wonder. Because it leads me to this.
What could or would a survey say about your business? And the reason I ask is because a client of mine told me she didn’t “have a clue” what her customers wanted from her next. So, I suggested she take a survey.
And she said, “Take a survey? That sounds complicated.”
But I showed her how it doesn’t have to be. Here’s what I told her. And you can do this, too.
Create a list of some questions important to you and your business. And if you’re unsure which survey software you’ll want to use, don’t let that be an obstacle. Create your questions anyway. And save them in a word document (or Pages if you’re on a Mac). Name it the 90 -day Action Plan Survey Questions. Make it more creative if you like. But you get the idea. And make it a bold, red font to remind you it’s not complete yet.
Then go to your task calendar.
You’ve got one, right? Good.
Now, create a task named Research Online Survey Software. And set it for a day you’ve time-blocked to work on your business. When you decide which service to use, create the survey. And then come back to the manual to update it and change the red font. And don’t let any steps that follow be an obstacle. Just get the first steps done.
This should help show you how progress means way more than perfection.
And besides, perfection is impossible. It’s just a disguise for hesitation and procrastination. Now, this is a simple process, but it’s not easy. But, with my RondaReady Business System it can certainly be a LOT easier. Because a lot of the work is already set up for you there.
Besides, if it was all real easy, everyone would be doing it. And you know as well as I do, they’re not. So, that makes you the exception. Go ahead. Give yourself a pat on the back.
And keep this in mind, too…
People like to help other people. All you have to do is ask. Think about that survey. You could even set it up like one of the game shows. Be creative. I know you can.
For lots more strategies, tips, and tools for how to RUN your business, invest in your own copy of the RondaReady System book, today. And it IS a good investment. You could potentially see way more money in your bank account than you’d ever get from those game shows. Or even the lottery for that matter. Anyway…
Stay Ready,
Responsive Organized Nonstop Development Authority