‘Scuse me, but your leader qualities
are showing.
Years ago (do I dare admit decades) I worked for a large corporation in California. And out of the blue, one day, my dad called me at work and asked if there were any positions open in our mail room. What?! My dad had always been a successful business owner. So, that through me for little bit of a loop. I had always seen his leader qualities, and a job in the mail room didn’t compute.
Leader qualities are built from the ground up.
Now, after years of being a business owner myself and working with other business owners, I get it. A lot goes on “at the top.” And it might seem very appealing to be top dog. Or to think you can just show up each day and delegate responsibility to everyone else. But the truth is…leader qualities require so much more than a big office and a shiny desk.
When you first start a new business, you’re often the only decision maker. You might also be the worker bee, the coffee maker, and the I.T. troubleshooter. But here’s a news flash for you…every one of those jobs is molding you into a leader. And I believe you were meant to be a leader. No matter what your skills or products or services are, it’s almost guaranteed somebody needs to hear about ’em. And there are plenty of people who will prefer the way YOU present them.
You can (and should) lead those people.
By “lead those people” I don’t mean just telling them what to do and where to go. But also showing them how to get there. And what tools or resources to use to get there. When you do that…AND show them how much you care…you then have leader qualities they’ll pay you for. And that’s how you build a successful business. Getting paid well to serve others well.
And that’s just a little of what I cover in the RondaReady online business coach CRM system. I wanna help you become the leader your audience and community need. And I wanna help you…
Stay Ready,
When you’re really, really ready to get ready, get RondaReady
What are your outcome expectations? If you’re not ready to commit to hiring an online business coach, or if you’re a confident do-it-yourselfer, grab my $5 book. Click or tap the picture of the book over in the sidebar or get the Amazon Kindle version HERE. There’s also a paperback version available on Amazon HERE. Everything I teach my one-on-one clients is in the book. Start building your business better, today. I’m pullin’ for you.